Club Policies & Procedures

Willingdon Golf Club Policies & Procedures

Willingdon Golf Club believes that golf belongs to everyone. All who play, and all who aspire to play, must have an equal opportunity to do so. There is no place in golf for any form of discrimination.

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy ensures:
Everyone is treated fairly so they may enjoy all aspects of golf (Equality).
Everyone is recognised and can see themselves and be seen in golf (Diversity).
Everyone is welcomed and feels that they belong in golf (Inclusion).

Willingdon Golf Club believes everyone should be able to enjoy golf in a safe environment. We all have a responsibility to protect and safeguard children and adults at risk.

Willingdon also believes that members, guests and staff alike should treat each other with respect and courtesy, whether that be face to face or via social media.

Willingdon Golf Club is proud to be SafeGolf accredited by England Golf.